Join our Youth Representatives Carla and David to see the fantastic bird life that can be found around the Lizard!
Join us for a guided walk and presentation at the Lizard in Cornwall!
The walk will take you around the peninsula and our Youth Representatives will help you learn how to identify the birds you see. As the summer starts, more and more migrant birds will arrive and Carla and David will help you get to grips with all. No previous birding experience needed!
Note that there are some steep paths, which are paved. The total walk will be around 5 miles. Facilities are available both at the meeting point and about halfway.
Come prepared for any weather in appropriate clothing and footwear, and bring some water and lunch, or some money to buy lunch in the village or halfway.
Any questions or to get in touch with the organisers please email
Please note that this event is open to 14–24-year-olds only. Participants under 18 will need to fill in a consent form with their parent(s)/carer(s) and send this to BTO before the event.